Possible Impact of Coronavirus on Vitiligo Patients

Due to some unconfirmed reports about Coronavirus affecting the immune system, many people believe that there is a link between Vitiligo and Coronavirus.
Are vitiligo patients at risk due to Coronavirus?
Vitiligo patients are usually not at risk due to Coronavirus. However, there some uncommon cases where vitiligo patients suffer from autoimmune disorders. These include Common Variable Immunodeficiency Syndrome. In such conditions, the patients are more prone to infections. But this remains a rare finding among vitiligo patients.
Vitiligo patients receiving immuno-suppressive agents such as JAK inhibitors including Xeljanz (tofacitinib) and Jafaki (ruxolitinib) must do so under supervision of their doctors. If they suffer from a common cold or chest infection, they must immediately stop these medicines and consult their healthcare provider.
Vitiligo patients using topical ointments and narrow-band UVB light therapy are also not at risk of coronavirus. Some patients take oral steroids but as they are in low dosages, the possibilities of oral steroids causing noticeable effects on the immune system are unlikely.
What can Vitiligo patients do to prevent Covid19 related illness?
Healthcare professionals have identified several tips for Vitiligo patients to avoid coronavirus:
– Avoid crowded places, maintain a distance of one meter with others.
– Wash hands with soap and water sanitize with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, several times a day.
– Must wear a mask when going outside the house. While outside the house, they should not touch their nose, eyes, or mouth.
– Avoid shaking hands and coming in close physical contact with others.
– Cover the face with a tissue or bent elbow while coughing or sneezing.
Vitiligo patients suffering from shortness of breath, fever, or cough should see a doctor immediately.
Although a relation between vitiligo and coronavirus is not established, prevention should be the top priority. Stay healthy, stay safe from covid19.